
UNENE is governed by a Board of Directors with member representation from the funding industrial partners and universities. The Education Advisory Committee (EAC) and Research Advisory Committee (RAC) manage and oversee the respective programs. The EAC and RAC committees consist of both industry and university members. Both committee chairs report quarterly to the Board of Directors on the status and results of research and educational activities. 

UNENE organizational chart


Board of Directors

The Chair of the Board is selected from the voting university representatives. The current Chair is Jatin Nathwani, University of Waterloo. The Vice Chair of the Board is selected from the voting industrial representatives. The current Vice Chair is Gary Newman, Bruce Power.

The mandate of the Board is set out in UNENE by-laws.

Learn more on the Board of Directors page.

Board members can visit the Board of Directors administration page.


For administrative functions, the UNENE Board of Directors appoints a President and CEO, Secretary/Treasurer and Program Director as officers of UNENE and other positions as deemed necessary.

Current officers of UNENE are:

Mr. Jerry Hopwood, President,
Dr. Ben Rouben, Secretary / Treasurer,
Dr. Nik Popov, Program Director, 
Raluca Petria, Administrative Assistant,, 905.525.9140 ext. 20168

Education Advisory Committee (EAC)

The Chair and Vice Chair of the EAC are selected from the voting representatives. The current Chair is Dr. Mahesh Pandey, University of Waterloo. The current Vice Chair is Dr. Emily Corcoran, Royal Military College.

The EAC mandate is outlined here.

Find the full list of EAC members on the Committee Members page.

EAC members can visit the EAC administration page.

Research Advisory Committee (RAC)

The Chair of the RAC are selected from the voting representatives. The current Chair is Dr. Cathy Cottrell, SNC-Lavalin.

The RAC mandate is outlined here.

Find the full list of RAC members on the Committee Members page.

RAC members can visit the RAC administration page.

Master’s of Engineering Program

UNENE is an industry-university partnership which supplies highly-qualified graduates, supports nuclear research and creates respected university-based experts. Research and education are the two tools used in this mission. 

Visit the Education program page for information on courses, schedule, fees, registration, and more.

Visit the M. Eng. administration area.

Industrial Research Chairs (IRC)

Visit the Industrial Research Chairs page for more information.

IRCs can visit the IRC administration page.

Research Cooperative Projects (RCP)

Visit the Research Cooperative Projects page for more information on ongoing RCPs.

RCP researchers can visit the RCP administration page.

For administrative matters, refer to the administration pages for Board of Directors, Governance, Education Advisory Committee, Research Advisory Committee, M.Eng. Program, Industrial Research Chairs, and Research Cooperative Projects.