UNENE Diploma

The UNENE Diploma in Nuclear Engineering allows students to broaden their knowledge and enhance their core skills in nuclear engineering at a University graduate level. Courses are given outside of working hours to accommodate people with a full-time job. The Diploma provides an option for students who wish to quickly specialize in certain areas, or who do not have the time nor resources to take the UNENE Master of Engineering (M.Eng.) program. Students completing the Diploma will gain theoretical and practical knowledge of at least two fundamental disciplines in nuclear engineering, plus two areas of specialization. The Diploma is jointly delivered between McMaster University and Ontario Tech University.

The Diploma requires students to successfully complete four of the UNENE courses with at least two of those courses being ‘core’ courses, within 3 a year-period with a minimum passing grade of B- for each course.

The Diploma addresses the following learning outcomes:

  • Enhanced Problem Solving
  • Multidisciplinary Knowledge
  • Safety and Risk Analysis
  • Fundamental Knowledge

Graduates of the UNENE Diploma program will have augmented their nuclear knowledge and skills, and can apply this knowledge and experience in areas relevant to their work, in the safe and efficient operation of nuclear power plants.

The UNENE Diploma program is offered on a part-time basis only and is not suitable for most international students. No University subsidies are available.

Image: Ontario Tech University


Students should apply to either McMaster University or Ontario Tech University. The courses, lecturers, venue etc. are common – the only difference is the University name on the diploma.

McMaster University

Contact: Raluca Petria, unene@mcmaster.ca, 905.525.9140 x20168

Ontario Tech University

Contact: Graduate Admissions, gradadmissions@ontariotechu.ca & Graduate Program Assistant, grad.engineering@ontariotechu.ca

Admission Requirements

Applicants must hold an honours baccalaureate degree in the fields of engineering, science or mathematics with an acceptable grade point average. The latter is set by the university where admission is sought (typically B or 75% minimum). Relevant work experience may be considered.

Registration and Courses

The student must first register as a graduate student at either McMaster University or Ontario Tech.  Then the student registers for each individual course of his/her choosing.

Course Selection

The diploma consists of four courses. The student must choose a minimum of two of the UNENE M.Eng. core courses and choose the remaining courses from the electives.

Core courses:

Elective courses:

Tuition Fee Structure

The Universities set UNENE course fees, currently $2250 per course. In addition, a one-time incidental fee is charged at the beginning of each academic year; this fee amount may vary between Universities.  Fees are payable to the university at which the student is registered.


If a student wants to switch programs from the UNENE diploma to the UNENE M.Eng. or vice versa, it is in principle possible to transfer completed course credits, provided the diploma (or degree) has not been awarded. Requests for such transfers are treated on a case-by-case basis.


The format of the UNENE Diploma recognizes that the majority of students enrolled in a UNENE program hold full-time jobs in the nuclear industry. Live courses are typically presented in four alternate weekend sessions in an educational centre or appropriate facility close to where the majority of the students work (typically just east of Toronto, Ontario). To accommodate students working at sites remote from the Greater Toronto Area, all courses are given using “live” distance education tools. These are also recorded, so students can catch up if they miss a class, and can review a class they attended.

Other helpful information

For technical details on distance education, please see the guide Getting Started with Distance Education Technology.