Stronger together for Canadian innovation
UNENE is a network of Canadian universities, industry, government and
international institutions dedicated to excellence in nuclear science, technology
and engineering. With its partners and funding organizations, UNENE works to
advance nuclear knowledge, build capacity and heighten visibility of Canada’s
strength as a global partner, and to elevate the role of nuclear in advancing
global sustainability, prosperity and a clean energy future.
Connecting academic research to industry for real-world innovation
UNENE university-member Research chairs (URCs) are sponsored by UNENE’s industrial members to carry out broad-based R&D and student development, along with individual cooperative research projects.
UNENE also sponsors individual projects by prominent researchers in areas of importance to industry.
Through its new University Research Inventory catalogue, UNENE is providing a window to further collaboration opportunities between industry’s research needs and university expertise and capabilities.
Visit the UNENE Research page.
Building capacity: Knowledgeable, highly-qualified people
UNENE plays a dual role in nuclear education:
Education delivery
Working with its university members, UNENE delivers a masters degree program and individual courses that help today’s nuclear workforce to strengthen their knowledge and skills to create and deliver on tomorrow’s opportunities.
Education best practices
Through the UNENE network, nuclear university educators, in Canada and worldwide, work together to advance teaching methodologies and technologies, and to identify future industry requirements of highly-qualified personnel (HQP). Through these efforts, we ensure a ready-supply of future nuclear leaders.
Visit the UNENE Education page.
Mobilizing nuclear knowledge through the UNENE community
Directly, and through support and representation of its university members, UNENE plays an important outreach role:
UNENE provides the venues for collaborative information exchange amongst the university network. As well, it facilitates transfer of knowledge between universities with government and industry and helps build capacity for outreach by individual members of the nuclear academic community.
UNENE and its university members have an important role to play in providing evidence-based research and knowledge that will strengthen understanding and inform discussion and policy on nuclear’s role in meeting the world’s goals for clean energy, advanced medicine and prosperity.
Learn more about the UNENE Community.
UNENE’s office is located at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, on the traditional territories of the Mississauga and Haudenosaunee nations, and within the lands protected by the “Dish with One Spoon” wampum agreement.
To learn more about UNENE and our work,
contact President and CEO Jerry Hopwood.
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