The Nuclear Energy Working Group
North American Security and Prosperity Partnership Initiative

As part of the prosperity side of the Security and Prosperity Initiative (SPP), Canada, the United States and Mexico agreed to “enhance nuclear collaboration” through “…sharing of information and best practices on many issues associated with the application of nuclear technology and the safe production and use of nuclear power.” The key milestones that are associated with this commitment include “by December 2005, establish[ing] and hold[ing] first meeting of a nuclear experts group under existing officials-level North American Energy Working Group (NAEWG); by June 2006, establish[ing] cooperative work plan; [and,] by June 2007, explor[ing] and agree[ing] on second round of initiatives.” The first meeting of NEWG working group met on June 29, 2006 in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Working Group Meeting June 29, 2006