Safety Refresher Course

This refresher is highly recommended preparation for UN 0803 Nuclear Reactor Safety Design.

Date:December 9 & 10, 2023
Start:9:00 am
Format:Two day compressed workshop containing lectures and hands-on sessions
Prerequisite:Undergraduate degree in engineering or science
Location:Online delivery via Zoom
Instructor:Dr. Nikola Popov, McMaster University
Registration:Online registration form; please inquire with

This course will suit people working in nuclear energy, and UNENE students, who want training in CANDU safety.

Course Outline: 2023 Safety Course Outline

Course Description

This course provides high level information on nuclear safety, including safety principles, regulatory requirements, safety design, deterministic safety analysis, probabilistic safety analysis, analysis of severe accidents, and operational safety aspects. The primary objective of the course is to serve as guidance and a refresher to students that intend to take the full version of the graduate course on Reactor Safety Design (UN803). Also, the course can be useful to professionals working in the nuclear industry in areas that are related to nuclear safety or require general knowledge of nuclear safety.

Course Material (2023):

Will be uploaded closer to the course dates. Please check back.